Tuesday, June 17, 2008

situation normal

Joe's still better than he was, but he's feeling the effects of the chemo. He's nutrapenic off and on, and his other counts are a little low, too, which is why they gave him a transfusion yesterday. He's got sores in his mouth, and the've had to put him back on IV nutrition. He's officially lost 100 pounds in the last 6 months, and the oncologist has said that Joe's size going in is literally what's kept Joe alive through all this. He's tired, but he's really been enjoying the visits from everyone. That REALLY helps keep his spirits up, so thanks to everyone who's been able to get by.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

better and better

Joe has been steadily improving since he receiving the new treatment. He still can't swallow real food, but he's able to get up to move to his chair, so he's MUCH happier. He's nutrapenic right now, but that's good cause it means the chemo's working. His friend Ryan got a 5 week leave from the Peace Corp to come visit Joe. Man, there's a guy who not only asks what he can do for his country, but also asks what he can do for his friends! Last night I got to hear all about Vanuatu, which is an island nation off New Zealand where he's stationed. It was VERY interesting!

So, for our next fundraiser, we're going to be selling t-shirts. I'm not sure yet exactly what the price will be as it will depend on what the costs are. I'm hoping they'll be somewhere between 10 and 15 bucks. If you'd like to pre-order so I'm sure to have your size, say the word. Also, if you have an idea for a design or slogan, submit it, baby! So far the best one I've heard is, "Forget the whales; save Joe!" If I get more than one good submission, we'll have a vote! Exciting!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

good news that looks bad at first

First, I'd like to thank all the people who have come to visit Joe this week. You're good people! Keep up the good work. :)

Second, word has come from MD Anderson. He's been rejected. BUT. Not because he doesn't have insurance, but rather because they think he's fine where he is. He's not eligible for the stem cell therapy because that's only for people in remission, which he's obviously not. They told Joe's oncologist to keep up the chemo, only more so, and they suggested an antibody medication that should clear out his neurological system and take care of all the physical problems he's been having! Yay! So Big Joe's staying in Denton. He's already doing chemo again and he starts the antibody drug today. I have no idea how fast it will work, but hopefully fast!