Sunday, March 09, 2008

New week, new pic line

This week, Joe's numbers have been extremely low as a result of the chemo. They were so low as a matter of fact, that he had 5 transfusions on Thursday, 3 on Friday, and 3 on Saturday. But he's finally not nutrapenic anymore! It's all part of cancer apparently. They had to take out his pic line because it wasn't working anymore and they found out that the reason it's not working is because he has a blood clot in his arm. I have no idea what they're doing about the clot. He should be getting a new pic line as we speak on the other side.

He had a very bad weekend. He's been throwing up all the time and sore all over. He got a migraine last night and, unfortunately, he vomited immediately after taking his migraine pills. The doctor said he might be sore from a certain medication and said they'd skip it today and see if it helps. In spite of everything, he's doing a good job of keeping his spirits up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe!

Just checking in and wanted you to know I am keeping up with the Joe Watch. Glad to hear you are doing better but sorry you are feeling so crappy. When this is all over, no one will ever be able to complain about stuff in front of you, because you can just be like, "um, remember when I was paralized? Shut up." Or another classic -- "remember when I had stage 4 lymphoma? Shut up." So you have that going for you.

I am back at work now. It's kind of nice to be back into my routine but I miss Ben a lot while I am gone. By the end of the week he kind of forgets who I am since I am only there for a couple of hours a day when he is awake, which is hard. But we bond again over the weekends. He's getting cooler every day and I can't wait for him to be able to play and talk and stuff. Its still very surreal to me that I am a Mom...I often feel like someone just loaned him to us and we're taking care of him for a while. I guess it sinks in over time.
Take care and I'll talk to you again soon.