Saturday, March 01, 2008

2nd round almost done

Joe's just about finished with his second round of chemo. He's doing pretty durn well this time. He's been doing chemo since Monday, and he just started throwing up again last night. Other than that, he really doesn't seem to be having other chemo symptoms.

The medication for the AIDP is already working! He's able to stand on his own again enough to switch between his bed and chair without having to be lifted (which is really good considering he was getting to the point that he couldn't even sit up!). They're supposed to be getting him a walker so that he can go to the restroom on his own, but I think they forgot cause it hasn't shown up yet. He still has problems with his "T-Rex" arms as he calls them, and he can only feed himself dry foods that can be held easily in one hand, but it's still better than it was. Yesterday I kept gushing about how much better he was already because I just couldn't get over it!

He has to do respiratory and physical therapy exercises now, so that's more people trooping in and waking him up in the morning. (And waking me up this morning! Grrr.) But it's good that they take care of him. AIDP can cause serious problems if it gets into the lungs or the heart, so I guess it's better for them to stay on top of things.

He's nutrapenic again, so if you're sick please send your love rather than bringing it to him. :) His platelet count is staying totally awesome! Keep those prayers coming, and have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Margie. Thanks for your blog. Glad to be able to check on Joe. I can't come to the pampered chef party on the 15th. That is the same day as Raine's baby shower but Jeff is looking at the website. I am letting him choose since he does most of the cooking. Are you still planning on having a garage sale to raise money? I have stuff I have been saving for a garage sale I will probably never actually have. Let me know if you get a chance. Thanks and love to all, Carol Whitcomb