Saturday, April 12, 2008

same old same old

Joe's just chilling these days. He had some troubles with a fever for a while, but that seems to have cleared up. He had started shaking pretty bad, but the doctors figured out that he was getting too much medication for his nueropathy, and once they cut it back the shaking cleared right up. He's had a lump on his shoulder from the staff infection which the surgeon finally agreed to lance. I hear that was pretty gross, I wish I was there! :) The oncologist is pretty worried about Joe's neurological problems and is not happy with the Denton neurologists on this one. I think he's going to call in somebody new. Joe's bored a lot, feel free to come by and visit him!

By the way, we're having a huge fundraising garage sale on April 26th at 1802 Avon Dr in Corinth. Come by, and tell everyone you know!

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