Saturday, April 19, 2008

waiting on the kidneys

The oncologist came yesterday and said that Joe's kidneys are doing well, and if they continue to improve, they should be starting the last round of chemo on Monday. He also said that he's planning on transferring Joe to a rehabilitation place after he lets him out of the hospital where he'll get physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and any other therapies that they do. I wonder if he'll get massage therapy! It seems that when people get the kind of neurological problems from cancer that Joe has, it sometimes takes months of rehab to get back to working order again. Sucks, huh? I mean it's not enough to get cancer, am I right?

I've decided to move the garage sale to the first weekend in May. If you have any items you'd like to donate, please let me know.

Don't forget to get on down to Cool Beans this Thursday for karaoke. Or at least tell everyone you know! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey big joe--sorry i haven't been since the g.s. cookie delivery. frantically writing my thesis and trying to graduate. glad to hear so much is clearing up and things are getting better.

now i told you you'd make it out of this--i knew it 2 years ago--i know it today. so,keep kickin' ass and i'll get up there as soon as i can get out from under my advisors.

much love and hugs
kelly y.