Friday, January 25, 2008

Bad blood

Joe's somehow gotten blood poisoning, so they've had to stop chemo and put him on a huge array of all the most baddest antibiotics known to man. His port is no good as a result (which is actually why they've stopped chemo, since they can't do chemo through an IV.), so they've taken him to surgery today to put in a new one. His shoulder on the side of the port is covered with bright red streaks and that shoulder hurts really bad all through from front to back. (I know because I tried to help him up yesterday by means of his shoulder much to his dismay. I also found out he gets annoyed when you stand on his IV. Go figure!) The good news in all of this is that his platelet count is up to 65! Woohoo!

Now that they've put in a new pic line, they're going to be starting a really nasty chemo that's going to take a full 24 hours to administer, and right after that they give him something to counteract the nasty effects of the chemo for the next 24 hours. Sounds like a good time! It seems to me that when the nurses basically get into biohazard gear to even handle the bag that the chemo is in that you should wonder if you really want it going into your body, but I guess it's better than the alternative!

It's pretty hard to get Joe to smile these days, but keep on trying! He got some cards from the kids at church, and one summed up all of our sentiments. It said, "May your blood win!" That's kind of our battle cry at the hospital now. Along with the thought on another card, that said simply, "Pohah." We have no idea what the heck that means, but we yell it with pride!


Anonymous said...

Prayers and virtual hugs from California. I'm with the primary kids: May your blood win! Love, Candi

Anonymous said...

Blood count at 65!!! Wooo~hoooo~!! We love hearing that!! I'm sorry to hear about the bad blood, I wonder whose it is, I won't let them live peacfully!! (>_<)
No one has better blood than I do, so that's why I'm gonna give blood (the first time in my entire life) to you, Joey Quinton!!
Kan said I'm still sick and they don't take a sick person's blood (I wonder if that's true?, can't they just extract the germs out? What's wrong with technology nowadays!?)
So you be prepared, hold on to your seat or bed because you will be taking my as good as super hero blood soon!!
I doubt that Kan is up to letting his blood being sucked out of his body, so he's gonna help you out with cash (you know he loves you, cause he does love his cash, LOL)
We wanna hear good news every day, ya know...
so keep it coming!! (>o<)

KieraAnne said...

That sucks about the blood poisoning...Patrick got that once when his cat bit through his finger. We would donate blood, but neither of us is 'cuz I'm pregnant and will be nursing and Patrick because he visited the UK between 1989-1993...none of his family is eligible to ever donate. Hope you get feeling better soon! :)