Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hard week

Joe's having a pretty hard week, since he feels especially bad lately. He's been getting chemo almost every day for over a week, and today he got chemo and then received his first chemo shot in the spine, which he says is even worse than a spinal tap. His fever has gone up to 101, and for most of the day he was sleeping the sleep of the pained. He hasn't been up to having many visitors lately, so if you go he asks that you knock on the door and wait for a family member to come tell you if he's up to seeing you. He has been enjoying hearing the comments that you all having been leaving, so keeping on leaving them! I haven't been able to see him myself since I have a cold sore and can't go up right now, but he's still in the loving care of other family members, have no fear! All his counts are down and he's received more transfusions today. Keep those prayers flowing guys, I have a feeling he's going to need all the help he can get in the months ahead.


Anonymous said...

Hey Big Joe. Hope you feel better soon. Please don't hesitate to call if there is anything Kat or I can do. We love you.


Anonymous said...

{ *+* }

Hi there!! I saw your picture with your good looking cat, so I tried to create a cat picture, I hope it looks like a cat to you,
Please feel better soon, I wanna hear you make fun of Kan and everyone (else but me)!!
Ta who likes hugging Joey the most.