Monday, July 21, 2008

hard days

Yesterday was a really hard day for Joe. His platelet count went down to 2 and his white count went down to .4. His port went bad and he has a staph infection again. He ran a fever of 102 during the night and they used ice to get it down. It went up and down all day. He received 2 bags of platelets and a bag of blood through an IV that they started in his hand. His pain meds were given in a shot as they couldn't hook up the blood and the pain pump at the same time. In between each bag of blood they gave him a bag of antibiotic. Three doctors were in to see him. Dr. Cichon (oncology) told us that he has another mass as revealed by the Cscan they did. It is 6cm and between his lung and ribs. This was quite a blow as we were hoping that they had gotten rid of everything with the last cheme. Dr. Spivey gets back on Wed. and hopefully Joe's counts will be up and they can do something. His infectious diseases doctor was in and said that the low white count allowed the staph to get hold and the staph caused the low platelet. He seemed confident that we could see some good results from the antibiotic by Tues or so. Today Joe is still feeling kinda low and tired. It will take some time to get back up on top but I know he will do it. Thanks for your support. Joe's Mom

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