Friday, May 02, 2008

and the counts go down

Well, you all know that Joey finished his fourth final (hopefully) chemo and we have been waiting for his counts to go down. The wait is over and they are officially down. He is neutropenic (low white cells - no defense ) and his platelets are at 3 which is where they were when he went into the hospital. That means that he has no way to make clots so he can't get HURT!!! He is being very careful and if anyone out there is sick, put off that visit until later. When he gets better they will do the intrathecal (spinal tap plus chemo) and a CAT to see where his cancer cells are or if they are. If they have been truly conquered, and we hold our mouths just right, maybe he can go home! Shh! whisper and don't tell anyone so nothing else happens to foil his attempt to escape the evil hospital. Anyway, he is feeling kinda sick and low right now so anything to cheer him up would be nice. Also we are having a garage sale tomorrow for his fund so give us a call for directions and find all the treasure you can carry away, for a good cause. Until better news, bye, bye.


Anonymous said...

Hey JOE! Sounds like you're feeling a bit better. So proud of you; you are so strong and even though it doesn't feel like it somedays, you're kickin cancer's ass (I expected nothing less of course!) :)
I will be by to see you soon; as soon as my doctor figures out my cold/allergy issues; plus I'm handling animals at the zoo now and I'd like to think they are clean, but they are no chances (who knows what snakes and baby gators are carrying, right?).
I'll call before I come of course. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better and I know you'll be home soon!
Love ya,
Kristi Rae

Anonymous said...

Joe, I miss you, my friend.

KieraAnne said...

Hey Joe! Hope you start feeling better soon. Sorry we haven't been visiting, but I'm sure you wouldn't want two screaming kids there during the day (annoying and full of germs) and then Patrick still hasn't been getting home until late. Hopefully this stuff will go away and you'll get to go home soon. :) -

Anonymous said...

Dude -- I would totally visit you but I don't want my baby to catch Cancer. Thanks anyway.

:-) What's up?! Sounds like you are still doing great -- you are such a super hero. They should make you into a character on the show Heros. You could be like the cheerleader with the ability to self-heal, except you would be the male version, and you would self-heal from Cancer. I think that would be an interesting angle for the show's producers to they could get in some ad revenues from plugging brand name pharmacuticals into the script. You could be "Spinal-Tap Man". What do you think?? I don't think a cape is necessary...they are SO overdone.

-- Wendy M.