Saturday, February 23, 2008

What a diffrence a day makes!

It's seems that I was right, as usual! :) The doctor thought that trying migraine pills was a good idea, so he did and it worked like a charm! Joe is a new man! He still throws up a little bit, but you expect that sort of behavior from a cancer patient. His head still hurts, but it's very slight and bearable and he's able to eat, sit up, watch TV, converse, and even laugh again! It warmed the cockles of my little heart to see! His counts are excellent, and as soon as the bone marrow biopsy results are in the doctor will decide what to do next. This might be a good time to visit Joe if you want to, before his next round of chemo starts and he gets all nutrapenic again. Be sure and call first, just in case. And don't surprise him with food; he hardly has any appetite, so it's smarter to check with him and get him just what he thinks he can eat. Chemo changes your taste buds, and Joe doesn't like things he used to, like chocolate tastes horrible to him now. What did he do in a past life that he's being punished for?!?

For anyone who's interested in ordering from Pampered Chef, here's how to go about it:
1. Go to
2. Click on Order Products (the trifle bowl)
3. Enter Joe Quinton as the host
They're then ready to shop.

Remember that 30% of what you spend goes straight to Joe, and you get some awesome kitchenware! Send this info to anyone you know who might want to order something, but remember all orders need to be placed by March 28th. Thanks for your support!

1 comment:

Texas Welch's said...

My take on Joey getting cancer and me getting cancer at a younger age is that we decided before we came here that this would be one of the battles we would take on. We both jumped up and said cancer, I will take that on so another person would not have to go through it. God does not let us take on anything he knows that we can not handle. It is hard to see the good out of cancer while going through it. Joey is strong. Let him know that I think about him alot and he is in my prayers. Clay should be up to see him today or tomorrow. Love you guys-Jo